Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Blank Page

Starting with a blank page trying to create a masterpiece is difficult. It's hard to come up with the first words. How awesome is our God who started with a completely blank slate and created the world, animals, plants, and us. How amazing! There is nothing too great or too small for Him to handle. So why is it that we hang on to our problems instead of allowing Him to help us handle them? Why is it that when we are out of fresh ideas, we turn to ourselves for motivation and creativeness, when indeed He is the one who supplies both?

God created a masterpiece in each and every one of us. He loves us so much that He sent His son to die for us. We are each special to Him. Best of all, He started with a blank slate to create us. Turn to Him when you are in need. Turn to Him for motivation even for the simplest of things - like cleaning a house, writing a poem, or going to work. Turn to Him to be more creative - learning to save money, painting, or strengthening a relationship. He is our Almighty Saviour, and He is always there for us, in all things.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Life Happens Fast

How true it is! Alex started truly crawling last week. Wednesday morning everything was normal. Alex was 'military' crawling, wobbling when he sat, not pulling himself up to sitting position, and definitely not pulling up to standing position! He went down for his afternoon nap, and about 3:30 I heard him start talking so I went in his room to get him. Imagine my surprise when I discovered him STANDING holding on to the side of his crib! After my initial reaction (panic), I decided this would be a great even to get on video. I took him out of his bed, ran and got both cameras, then went and put him back in his bed to get him to do it again. Of course, he would only pull up to his knees, so mommy 'helped' him, then took lots of pictures and a short video (while making sure I was no more than 2 inches from him in case he flipped out). As if that was not enough of an accomplishment for the day, after dinner he crawled across the living room to the entry as if he'd been doing it forever then he went from crawling to sitting up with no problem. It definitely felt as if I had a different baby than the one I was playing with in the morning.

Now, he crawls around from room to room, following me around. He sits up when he wants, and he tries to pull himself up on everything! I am filled with anticipation for the upcoming changes all this entails!

Alex on the Move

As some of you know, I’ve been hoping Alex would take his time on becoming mobile. I joke about how every time Alex would put his knees under him, I’d pull them out. Now granted, I did pull them out from under him – but usually as part of our play. He always would put them right back under him and smile as he did. He’s been rolling all over the place and a few days ago started scooting – but only backwards! This morning, he started rocking on his knees, so I guess crawling is coming soon! Amazing how much he has done in just six months.

I wonder how much we could do if we focused only on our growth. Matthew 17:20 says “Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” How amazing is it that we can move mountains! And all it takes is a little faith.

As Alex grows, I want so much for him to know how loved he is. More than anything, I want him to know how much God loves him, to give his heart and life to God, and to move mountains.


The verse I posted on Facebook today was “Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid.” Prov. 12:1 To me, self discipline is my hardest feat to accomplish. It’s definitely something that is in works and has been my entire life. So hence, I am devoting myself this year to be more disciplined. My key verses for the year is “My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,for man’s anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.” James 1:19-20 My personal goals: to spend more time in God’s Word, to be a Godly wife and mother, to lose more weight, and to gain more patience.

People will tell you not to pray for patience, because God will answer. I can say for nearly 10 years, I have not stopped praying for patience. I know God has put certain people in my life for specific reasons. I have some people who try my patience – hence I’m trying to become quick to listen and slow to speak. Learning to control my temper, be patient and not cut people out of my life just because they annoy the fire out of me.

On the other hand, I have people in my life who are filled with wisdom and patience. They show me daily how to live in a Christ-like manner, and how to share Christ’s love with all they meet. In essence, they show me how to become the woman I want to be. These people are the ones who get me through the times when I’m gaining more patience. They’re the ones I run to when I feel life is more than I can bear. They’re the ones who remind me who is in charge when I forget and act as though I’m running my own world. To me, they are the women who have become sisters to me. All of us, daughters of the Almighty, sisters to the Prince of Peace.

Life has a way of providing multiple types of people in your life. The book of James says to consider it pure joy when you face trials and tribulations – I think that applies to people who are trials to you. They help you mature in Christ. I am grateful to God for loving me so much, that He allows me to go through trials and have people in my life that are both trials and blessings so that I may become stronger in Him.

So now I’ve totally rambled my way into discipline. Amazing how the Lord can bring focus in on something that was not planned. My original plan was to talk about our lives this year, and how much has changed for us since Alex was born. I guess that’ll be tomorrow’s blog…or maybe we’ll just wait and see what God has planned for that too!

~ Sherri Lynn

Hello World!

Rob and I decided it was time for us to catch up with the times and start blogging. I guess I’ll start with telling you about us. Rob and I married in April 2001. We have had 9 years of married life. Our son, Alexander Caden (Alex) was born in September 2009. The Lord’s timing is perfect as always, and Alex was born at the perfect time for me to be able to be a stay at home mom. We have 3 dogs – all strays that found a home with us. Cassie is 11 years old, Dusty is 9, and Fraggle is 8.

We live outside of Shreveport. Close enough that we can take the interstate to anywhere we need to go, but far enough away that we don’t have the traffic problems or crime issues. City close, country quiet.

Rob and I are members of First Baptist of Bossier. We do all we can to serve our church and community and to show Christ’s love in all we do. We are human and don’t always succeed, but we’re learning more every day.

We are grateful for our lives together, for our family, friends and most of all for God loving us so much.

Easter 2010 @ The Hamptons’ (LOL)