Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Teaching Alex Hide-n-Seek

I try to teach our kids, Alex and Katie, something new everyday. Sometimes I succeed, and sometimes I fail big time. My favorite moment of teaching so far this week has been teaching Alex how to play hide-n-seek.

The game started yesterday morning. I counted, he hid (in the same spot). I'd turn and say "Ready or not here I come" and he'd pop out of his hiding spot and say "Here I am!" By the time Rob came home from work, it evolved into me counting and if I didn't say "Ready or not" fast enough Alex would pop out of his hiding spot and say it for me followed by "Here I am!". He cracked me up so much.

Now sometimes we would switch jobs and Alex would be the seeker while I hid. He would then count  one through ten just like me and say "Weddy here I come".

Well, Rob came home and started playing the game. Alex finally changed hiding spots but the catch was that he would hide where his daddy did the prior turn. One time he hid in the kitchen in the same spot as Rob had and when Rob was looking for him he said "Where's Alex?" and Alex replied "In the kitchen Daddy. In the kitchen!".

We're still working on learning how to play the game. We even tried it where I hid with Alex and Rob searched for us but Alex just could not contain his excitement on being found. In writing this memory it hit me that Alex was so eager to be found when he was hiding and yet sometimes I "hide" from God and I don't show the same eagerness at being found. Wonder if I can't learn something from my three year old? :)

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