The verse I posted on Facebook today was “Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid.” Prov. 12:1 To me, self discipline is my hardest feat to accomplish. It’s definitely something that is in works and has been my entire life. So hence, I am devoting myself this year to be more disciplined. My key verses for the year is “My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,for man’s anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.” James 1:19-20 My personal goals: to spend more time in God’s Word, to be a Godly wife and mother, to lose more weight, and to gain more patience.
People will tell you not to pray for patience, because God will answer. I can say for nearly 10 years, I have not stopped praying for patience. I know God has put certain people in my life for specific reasons. I have some people who try my patience – hence I’m trying to become quick to listen and slow to speak. Learning to control my temper, be patient and not cut people out of my life just because they annoy the fire out of me.
On the other hand, I have people in my life who are filled with wisdom and patience. They show me daily how to live in a Christ-like manner, and how to share Christ’s love with all they meet. In essence, they show me how to become the woman I want to be. These people are the ones who get me through the times when I’m gaining more patience. They’re the ones I run to when I feel life is more than I can bear. They’re the ones who remind me who is in charge when I forget and act as though I’m running my own world. To me, they are the women who have become sisters to me. All of us, daughters of the Almighty, sisters to the Prince of Peace.
Life has a way of providing multiple types of people in your life. The book of James says to consider it pure joy when you face trials and tribulations – I think that applies to people who are trials to you. They help you mature in Christ. I am grateful to God for loving me so much, that He allows me to go through trials and have people in my life that are both trials and blessings so that I may become stronger in Him.
So now I’ve totally rambled my way into discipline. Amazing how the Lord can bring focus in on something that was not planned. My original plan was to talk about our lives this year, and how much has changed for us since Alex was born. I guess that’ll be tomorrow’s blog…or maybe we’ll just wait and see what God has planned for that too!
~ Sherri Lynn
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