Our church often speaks of reaching out to others and sharing Christ's love. We have a variety of missions to other countries. We have opportunities to serve as groups to the Rescue Mission. We even have a team in the making to help greet newcomers and assist them in joining our church. But what does this mean to us personally?
Jesus shared to gospel everywhere He walked. Everywhere. Where do we go that we can share the gospel? Is it really hard to share? I know I have heard arguments against sharing because of concerns such as offending the people, unsure of what to say, and just being plain scared. I have had all those feelings and I'm sure more. I have stood right in front of someone, felt the urge to share, and walked away instead. How lousy I felt for days.
It is really hard to put your faith on the line. I read people's accounts from other countries where there lives are at stake if they admit they are Christians. I remember having a speaker come and tell us about how they have underground churches. In Roman times, Christians were thrown in as gladiators to fight others or animals such as lions. Yet here I stand, shaking in my shoes afraid of what? Being yelled at? Looked down upon? Making someone mad?
Right now, we have rights in this country. We can be Christian and not lose our lives because of it. Jesus told us to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19) How can I do a better job of following His last command? How can you? We don't have to travel to other countries to share the Good News. There are people who we run across everyday who don't know about Jesus.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Saturday, May 21, 2011
The Lord has blessed me with such awesome friends. They're all wise Christian women who have helped guide me. I want to write a little about each of them, but only a few per blog entry.
This particular lady has watched Alex for me numerous times. She cracks me up with her sense of humor and puts me in awe with her creativity. Her little.. oops.. almost slipped... child is adorable and brilliant and I love watching this child and Alex play together. This lady's heart is full of love and soft. She takes the problems of her friends on as though she could possibly solve them. This is a new budding friendship, not long planted and I look forward to seeing it as it grows throughout the years.
The next lady on my list has also watched Alex for me numerous times. Even with her overwhelming schedule she makes time to watch him for hours on end. She and I can talk about anything, including Chinese food, bidets and cannibalism. She gives Godly wisdom to me and speaks God's Word so there's never any doubt. She makes me think before I act and is teaching me how to have a softer, more loving heart. She's honest with her words and does not ease into controversial conversations yet is always reminding me that I'm not the only one she's speaking to.
I have a lady who has been a friend of mine for about 10 years. We don't always get to talk but when we do we always understand one another and can help each other look at things from a different perspective. She's so young at heart (and looks.. I think she looks younger than me!), she makes me forget her age. She makes me laugh and is great for any trip. Even soaking our feet in a hot tub in the middle of a cold night is fun with her. Her capacity to love and devotion to try to help others inspires me.
Another lady I bring up is my favorite shopping buddy. Whether it's midnight, 5 a.m., or 1 p.m., we always have fun. I don't get to see her half as often as I'd like, but when I do it's as though not much time has slipped by. She is wise beyond her years. She works hard and shows a dedication to the people she serves that images Christ's love.
To talk to this lady is a miracle indeed. Though time passes so quickly and we're more likely to get a 5 minute conversation in only if the sun, the kids, and the houses are just right, it's as if we talk all the time. She is the one I know I can confide anything to and she can always relate. She's been there, done that, or is doing that. She shares her Godly wisdom in love but also with such a sense of humor one can't help but laugh. She epitomized a minister's wife long before it was a concept. Even through her hectic schedule she always manages to serve and minister to others.
These are just a few of my closest friends. There are ones not listed that I eat lunch with every blue moon, that I go shopping with when they're not overwhelmed working a million details out, or that I just exchange messages with via phone, email, and Facebook. They're all important to me and I love them all dearly. And one day soon, I'll write more about them.
This particular lady has watched Alex for me numerous times. She cracks me up with her sense of humor and puts me in awe with her creativity. Her little.. oops.. almost slipped... child is adorable and brilliant and I love watching this child and Alex play together. This lady's heart is full of love and soft. She takes the problems of her friends on as though she could possibly solve them. This is a new budding friendship, not long planted and I look forward to seeing it as it grows throughout the years.
The next lady on my list has also watched Alex for me numerous times. Even with her overwhelming schedule she makes time to watch him for hours on end. She and I can talk about anything, including Chinese food, bidets and cannibalism. She gives Godly wisdom to me and speaks God's Word so there's never any doubt. She makes me think before I act and is teaching me how to have a softer, more loving heart. She's honest with her words and does not ease into controversial conversations yet is always reminding me that I'm not the only one she's speaking to.
I have a lady who has been a friend of mine for about 10 years. We don't always get to talk but when we do we always understand one another and can help each other look at things from a different perspective. She's so young at heart (and looks.. I think she looks younger than me!), she makes me forget her age. She makes me laugh and is great for any trip. Even soaking our feet in a hot tub in the middle of a cold night is fun with her. Her capacity to love and devotion to try to help others inspires me.
Another lady I bring up is my favorite shopping buddy. Whether it's midnight, 5 a.m., or 1 p.m., we always have fun. I don't get to see her half as often as I'd like, but when I do it's as though not much time has slipped by. She is wise beyond her years. She works hard and shows a dedication to the people she serves that images Christ's love.
To talk to this lady is a miracle indeed. Though time passes so quickly and we're more likely to get a 5 minute conversation in only if the sun, the kids, and the houses are just right, it's as if we talk all the time. She is the one I know I can confide anything to and she can always relate. She's been there, done that, or is doing that. She shares her Godly wisdom in love but also with such a sense of humor one can't help but laugh. She epitomized a minister's wife long before it was a concept. Even through her hectic schedule she always manages to serve and minister to others.
These are just a few of my closest friends. There are ones not listed that I eat lunch with every blue moon, that I go shopping with when they're not overwhelmed working a million details out, or that I just exchange messages with via phone, email, and Facebook. They're all important to me and I love them all dearly. And one day soon, I'll write more about them.
Friday, May 20, 2011
A Roller Coaster of a Week
This week has been so up and down. Morning are great starting off with time with God, but after that it's a free for all. Monday was the least dramatic with it mainly being emotional as I tried to list our dogs all over the internet and anywhere in town so that we could find new homes for them. Tuesday was a visit to the doctor's for my bi-weekly check up. An appointment that would've only taken about an hour took three due to the electronic medical records transition and the ultrasound lab tech being backed up. Side note: still having a little girl!
Next was Wednesday. It was such a day, it deserves it's own paragraph! Started off with taking the smaller of our dogs to the vet to get her vaccines up to date. First I couldn't find her collar so I improvised by using a slip leash. Minute I get her to the truck, she somehow gets out of the leash and runs. I chased her down, put her in the truck and then headed to the vet. At the vet, I was tugged in one direction by a 33 pound dog on a leash and in another by a 26-27 pound toddler holding my hand. Ended up having to pick up Alex to get us inside the vet's office. Then with my hands obviously overloaded as is, the lady asks me to fill out paperwork on the dog. So I put Alex down and the diaper bag down to start filling it out. Next thing I know, the dog has pooped on the floor and my dear son is just about in the midst of it to investigate. I barely grab him up in time and then had to wait for them to come and clean it up before I could fill out the paperwork. After that, the only thing that occurred was Alex having a HUGE tantrum when the dog was pulled back for her shots and he couldn't go. An uneventful 20 minutes back home and I was ready to chill for an hour or so. Not. Happening. I glance at my email and notice one from Alex's music teacher. That's when it hits me: Music class has been moved up a day this week, and it starts in 20 minutes! I had just enough time to scrub my hands gather Alex and back out the door we went. Arrived at music class and Alex manages to run 5 feet, trip and smack his face/head on the hardwood floors. Poor baby was more upset over the fall than physically hurt. The rest of the class Alex was determined not to participate. On the way to the truck after class, one of my flip flops broke. We didn't have time to run back to the house so I decided to just buy a pair at Target since I needed to pick up my prescription anyway. Target was not too bad. I didn't get out of there until 11:15 due to a customer asking random questions about every product she bought. For instance, my favorite question, she asked if a botanical shampoo she was purchasing was organic. I just had to shake my head. Finally out of there and on our way to Shreveport where we're supposed to meet a friend for lunch at 11:30 (yep, I was running late at this point). 11:40 find us sitting in the parking lot of Posados off Bert Kouns waiting for a response from the texts and calls made to her. At this point, I'm starting to get really worried because I know it's not like her to not respond. I call her mom (yep, her mom) to see if she's heard from her. She hasn't so she starts getting ready to head over there and check on her, also notifying the boyfriend so we can really bombard the poor lady! The boyfriend manages to get her attention. Poor girl has been working so many crazy shifts in the ER, she overslept. Glad that she's okay, I wait it out in the truck with Alex napping in the back for her and her mom to come eat at Posados. I love these two ladies so much. It was definitely the highlight of the day, followed by fun shopping. Alex and I arrived home about 3:30ish. He was of course cranky due to not having as long of a nap as usual, so I had lots of fun managing whiny, temper tantrum boy. That pretty much sums up Wednesday!
On to Thursday, which wasn't a bad day per say. Started off nice and quiet. Then I was chewed out via e-mail for even thinking of placing my dogs in the pound and slammed by a public ad on Craigslist for the same thing. After two hours of emails back and forth to the lady who chewed me out, we finally got to a point where she understood where I was coming from and is helping me find a home for the dogs and also find cheaper options for their vaccines and such. I love when I get to see God's Word proven: "A kind word turns away wrath." Prov. 15:1 Even though I wanted to jump right back at her, I purposely stayed calm and prayed before, during, and after reading and writing each e-mail. As always, He was faithful and the situation was resolved with just a little drama. Emotionally exhausted after that (I don't handle drama well), Alex and I just curled up and chilled for the rest of the afternoon. Rob came home about 5:30ish and had to get the mail for me since wasps had taken over our mailbox. He comes in bearing a letter from my mom. She (and my brother) had been arrested earlier this week and she wanted me to come bond her out. Even worse, in this letter she writes that she knows I don't want to have anything to do with her and if I do this for her she promises to never bother me again. What????? My protective and loving husband is mad because she's the one who has ignored our phone calls and texts, yet the minute she's in trouble she immediately calls me to help get her out. I'm upset thinking where does she come up with this paranoia mess?!? Of course, I'm sure being an alcoholic helps this along. I call the prison she's being held in just to discover my brother and she have both already made bond. Now I'm trying to pray and think about how I should respond to her letter.
Today is going well. I need to go to Walmart - time to overspend. Right now if you'll excuse me I need to go deal with a toddler having a tantrum because he doesn't want me to change his dirty diaper. Praying for an awesome day to end this roller coaster week!
Next was Wednesday. It was such a day, it deserves it's own paragraph! Started off with taking the smaller of our dogs to the vet to get her vaccines up to date. First I couldn't find her collar so I improvised by using a slip leash. Minute I get her to the truck, she somehow gets out of the leash and runs. I chased her down, put her in the truck and then headed to the vet. At the vet, I was tugged in one direction by a 33 pound dog on a leash and in another by a 26-27 pound toddler holding my hand. Ended up having to pick up Alex to get us inside the vet's office. Then with my hands obviously overloaded as is, the lady asks me to fill out paperwork on the dog. So I put Alex down and the diaper bag down to start filling it out. Next thing I know, the dog has pooped on the floor and my dear son is just about in the midst of it to investigate. I barely grab him up in time and then had to wait for them to come and clean it up before I could fill out the paperwork. After that, the only thing that occurred was Alex having a HUGE tantrum when the dog was pulled back for her shots and he couldn't go. An uneventful 20 minutes back home and I was ready to chill for an hour or so. Not. Happening. I glance at my email and notice one from Alex's music teacher. That's when it hits me: Music class has been moved up a day this week, and it starts in 20 minutes! I had just enough time to scrub my hands gather Alex and back out the door we went. Arrived at music class and Alex manages to run 5 feet, trip and smack his face/head on the hardwood floors. Poor baby was more upset over the fall than physically hurt. The rest of the class Alex was determined not to participate. On the way to the truck after class, one of my flip flops broke. We didn't have time to run back to the house so I decided to just buy a pair at Target since I needed to pick up my prescription anyway. Target was not too bad. I didn't get out of there until 11:15 due to a customer asking random questions about every product she bought. For instance, my favorite question, she asked if a botanical shampoo she was purchasing was organic. I just had to shake my head. Finally out of there and on our way to Shreveport where we're supposed to meet a friend for lunch at 11:30 (yep, I was running late at this point). 11:40 find us sitting in the parking lot of Posados off Bert Kouns waiting for a response from the texts and calls made to her. At this point, I'm starting to get really worried because I know it's not like her to not respond. I call her mom (yep, her mom) to see if she's heard from her. She hasn't so she starts getting ready to head over there and check on her, also notifying the boyfriend so we can really bombard the poor lady! The boyfriend manages to get her attention. Poor girl has been working so many crazy shifts in the ER, she overslept. Glad that she's okay, I wait it out in the truck with Alex napping in the back for her and her mom to come eat at Posados. I love these two ladies so much. It was definitely the highlight of the day, followed by fun shopping. Alex and I arrived home about 3:30ish. He was of course cranky due to not having as long of a nap as usual, so I had lots of fun managing whiny, temper tantrum boy. That pretty much sums up Wednesday!
On to Thursday, which wasn't a bad day per say. Started off nice and quiet. Then I was chewed out via e-mail for even thinking of placing my dogs in the pound and slammed by a public ad on Craigslist for the same thing. After two hours of emails back and forth to the lady who chewed me out, we finally got to a point where she understood where I was coming from and is helping me find a home for the dogs and also find cheaper options for their vaccines and such. I love when I get to see God's Word proven: "A kind word turns away wrath." Prov. 15:1 Even though I wanted to jump right back at her, I purposely stayed calm and prayed before, during, and after reading and writing each e-mail. As always, He was faithful and the situation was resolved with just a little drama. Emotionally exhausted after that (I don't handle drama well), Alex and I just curled up and chilled for the rest of the afternoon. Rob came home about 5:30ish and had to get the mail for me since wasps had taken over our mailbox. He comes in bearing a letter from my mom. She (and my brother) had been arrested earlier this week and she wanted me to come bond her out. Even worse, in this letter she writes that she knows I don't want to have anything to do with her and if I do this for her she promises to never bother me again. What????? My protective and loving husband is mad because she's the one who has ignored our phone calls and texts, yet the minute she's in trouble she immediately calls me to help get her out. I'm upset thinking where does she come up with this paranoia mess?!? Of course, I'm sure being an alcoholic helps this along. I call the prison she's being held in just to discover my brother and she have both already made bond. Now I'm trying to pray and think about how I should respond to her letter.
Today is going well. I need to go to Walmart - time to overspend. Right now if you'll excuse me I need to go deal with a toddler having a tantrum because he doesn't want me to change his dirty diaper. Praying for an awesome day to end this roller coaster week!
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